Dear Diary- To the 6 foot +, 190+, blond, blue eyed-I-come-late-to-class-Captain America looking-I-am-so-gorgeous-but-I-am-in-a-huge-mid-life-crisis-I-ride a motorcycle to BJJ-leather-jacket-wearing asshole, who thinks it's appropriate to slam your knee into my side and crank my neck; FUCK YOU. Now, my husband just asked, Do you really want to post that? I said, Yes, yes I do. Then he countered, but you can turn it into a good blog from there, talk about how you learned you can harness a certain amount of anger to be used well, that it was a more of a fight, not training, but THAT in itself is a learning experience... I so admire Allie the Clear Belt for being beautifully articulate when posting her anger and frustration, and I wish I had her patience right now for that kind of early morning glass water prose, but all I can muster at this moment is the gutter. My husband is right, there was an element of learning in this particular roll, but I am going to ...