I learned two new guard passes this week that are unusual and sneaky. #1: When you are in guard, grab your opponents belt or place your hands on her abdomen. Mind your elbows! Do not get lazy and let them face out, keep those joints faced toward your own body. Jump to both of your feet. Jump with commitment! Squeeze your butt and hips, keep your head up, and keep your shoulders straight and strong for solid posture. Press your hands into your opponents abdomen to break their guard. Stand up and grab their pants around the knee area. Step through your opponent's legs with your right leg to the right side of their torso. The next part requires attention be paid to your posture, timing, and balance. Keep grips on both pant legs. Kick your left left leg up and swing it over your opponent's right leg, using your grip to push their leg down as you kick over it. Quickly bend your right leg to knee on be...