New Best Friend is a Dummy
This is my new best friend, which I have named Jacob, after my nephew. My pull-up bar is named Ellie, after my niece. Keeping these wonderful impressionable kids in my mind as I prepare for swat tryouts provides motivation to push farther. Sorry for the horizontal image. My editing skills are sad. Many many many THANK YOUS!!!!! to my awesome husband for assisting me with this project. This began as a duffle bag stuffed with sand bags and disc weights, with fire hose arms; which proved to be too cumbersome, as the weight distribution was weird. Brilliant Attila the Husband came up with the idea of using an old 31-inch railroad tie, with fire hose attachments for the arms and legs. (The real dummy for tryouts has arms made of fire hose). He used heavy duty duct tape to fasten 20 kg KB's to the legs for "feet". When I got home from work last night he showed off his handy work to me; all proud and beaming. He is completely a...