Accountability and....what if the joy is not present?

 I wrote about the joy of activity last week. 

Rest assured I'm no Pollyanna and there are moments I just don't feeeeeeeel like working ooooouuuuuttt.

I have a few mental tricks up my sleeve readied for self-deployment when I start down the path of excuses, it's too hot, it's too cold (come January), I'm tired, just because, my hair hurts, my vibe is off.....throw in your own. 

We all have the excuses, but how does one work past these walls? You may think they are 10 feet high and made of concrete, but actually they are constructed of very poor quality paper mache' made with cheap paper. From the dollar store. And they are only 2 feet high.   

My tactics for success include memory and acknowledgement. 

I remember all too well the hell-hole, ugly, non-training days of covid. I remember the day, while in my office, I learned the whole situation was going to continue for, not just two more weeks, but for a few more months, which quickly turned into the foreseeable future, at that time. Those were terrible days. I invested in some homes mats, but it just wasn't the same.

In November 2022 I broke my right 5th metatarsal, in my right foot. Once again, I was plunged into a reduced training mode. It was horrible, though paled in comparison to the long term outrage of 2020-2021.

I've been blessed with a strong and healthy body that can move, whether it's dance, hiking, running, martial arts, or weightlifting, physical movement is my superpower. The days I "don't feel like it," I remind myself that I AM ABLE to get up and do something and people, THAT IS A GIFT I don't want to waste. Especially now, at the age of 54, when the cultural trope is that I "at a certain age..." I am more than happy to turn cultural norms on their side.

Build your tactics for success. On a bad day, you are probably just one workout away from a slightly clearer view.

Here is this week's work:

(Just detailing the main points, so this blog post doesn't go forever and a day).

Wednesday July 17-




Clubbell "to order" with a deep squat

Thursday July 18-

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, worked on escape from triple mount, escape form standing guillotine, and learned a new choke.

Saturday July 19-


Bench press 

Overhead military press

One-arm Clubbell swings

Push-ups and Dips

Sunday July 20-

Arnis, worked on Heaven, Heaven and Earth, Earth, then we worked on transitioning between all three seamlessly. 

Cycle drill-Sinawali, then cycle drill with a wing block, and finally with a low follow-up strike while protecting the head.

Daga sparring. 

Just. Train.


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