
Well my left calf is still laid up but definitely on the mend.  No BJJ tonight.  On the upside, I did my push-ups this morning and they are finally getting easier!  I am up to 3 sets of 20 and my final reps no longer feel like utter misery, the way my last few reps felt two weeks ago, when I was only performing 10 and 12 at a time.

I can feel the strength building in my arms so when I push the last ones, there is actual, honest-to-goodness, muscle fibers firing off and doing the work.  Does this make any sense?  I am still working hard, but the work is more enjoyable because I have more efficient tools to complete the task.  Adrenalin is lovely tool, but when you are building strength in weak areas, true ability to complete an action is refreshing after two weeks of relying on guts and stubbornness.

Bonus, years ago I used to work out to Tamilee Webb's Buns of Steel.  There, I said it, so what.  (what?  stop laughing).  This morning I realized those exercises will come in handy this week for caloric burnage whilst waiting for my calf to restore it's luster.

Train well, and don't get injured.


(ps- my husband just read this and exclaimed "You DIDN'T! You should NOT put this information on a public website!)  lol


  1. Dagney:

    I just recently found your blog from another BJJ blogroll. I almost never write comments on blogs, but I had to make an exception for you. I know I do not know you personally, but if your writing is indicative of your personality, then I can say with confidence that you are the most eloquent, bold, and badass person I have (n)ever met. Please keep posting. Your dedication to the warrior's path is incredible, and incredibly motivating. You set the bar high ... and then you go do pull-ups on it!

    Thank you for being willing to share your story to strangers. You are changing my life, I can tell you that.

    Keep training hard, and keep writing!

    1. Rebekah-

      Oh my gosh, thank you for the beautiful compliment! Thank you for reading my blog. I am honored, and you should know you have returned the inspiration back over the net to my racquet.

      Train well!


  2. I'm going to second what Rebekah said! Keep writing and thanks for letting us walk this journey with you. By the way...I'm still laughing...still laughing!! Have a great day and heal quickly and train well! :D

    1. Debra- Thank you so much...:)) And re Buns of Steel, lol! My husband was cracking up. Soooooo 80's!


  3. You've inspired me on the pushups...I fell of my pushup challenge trying to work more cardio into my life, but tomorrow, game on!

  4. I was hoping that Tamilee Webb's 'Buns of Steel' might be an awesome '80s track along these lines. Unless the fitness videos that popped up on YouTube and I didn't watch do in fact have an awesome soundtrack? :D

  5. LOL!!!! Husband and I were able to watch 20 seconds of that before we just couldn't take it anymore. What a crack up.

  6. I love almost everything from the '80s, musically speaking. Cheesier the better!


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